Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So I know I am totally behind in my posts, but since being home a week Trav and I have been SUPER busy. Quick update....

1. The wedding was amazing!!!! See pictures below that Lindsay Foster-Drago, one of my bridesmaids, & Caris Power, Trav's sister, took. :)

2. Honeymoon, been to Costa Rica & back. Here are some pictures for everyone to enjoy.

3. Continued with the office renovation on a mad and furious pace, pictures to come soon.

4. Pam started her new job at BusinessGenetics, crazy busy but great!

5. Trav and school, hence the mad and furious pace to finish the office.

So more to come about the honeymoon when we have some down time this weekend.

Pam & Trav Power :)

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