Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We Are Moving

Not houses or locations but our blog. :) Got yah! So in light of getting married, not living in San Francisco anymore and well running out of time to blog, I am starting fresh, with a new blog. So visit: for our new blog. Oh and sometime soon I am going to migrate from the to just :)

So thanks for you patience everyone as we switch!

Friday, May 22, 2009

My friends new business...

Visit Report Card (above)

Price Guide (above)
Business Card (above)

Car Lettering (above)

So my girlfriend through the Weim rescue has decided to start her own Dog walking, pet sitting business. I have been having a great time helping her design business cards, price guides, misc collateral, next will be her website, her car lettering and anything else she needs. Just because I think it is so fun I wanted to share it:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let's Play A Game....

Let's guess what plants Pam & Trav have in their yard. Since we moved in at the end of the summer we have no idea what plants we have in our yard. So we would love to some help identifying our foliage. Thanks!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pictures from the weekend

So I decided to take a break from folding the laundry while watching Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives to update everyone on what Trav and I have been up to. So two weeks ago we had a get together here at the house, sort of a house warming, wedding party, house party. We themed it "Rubik's Cube" so everyone had to come dressed in one article of clothing of each color on the cube. The goal was to become one solid color by trading pieces of clothing with people. It was a blast and well there are some stories that we just need to explain in person.

Then just this past weekend it was filled with more socializing. Friday was low key, which I always enjoy. Saturday was a Weim day. Kaiser and I had yet to go to an event since we have been back since we just seem to not have time. So we headed out to the dog park to see everyone, which was perfect because he was WIRED!! Later that evening we had a cocktail and app party at one of volunteers homes, just in a suburb away from us, however she lives in a HUGE house in an amazing gated community. It was a beautiful home but really just not my style. I just can't handle paying for a lot that is all home and now yard, especially with the pooch. :) We did have a great time though.

Sunday morning I met up with my girlfriend Shannon for an Indoor Triathlon up north of Denver. The tri consisted of doing laps for 10 minutes, riding on a spin bike for 30 minutes and then running on a treadmill for 20 minutes. Shannon rocked it as she got 4th place overall and somehow I managed 11th overall, though my swimming was definitely not my high point. After the tri we headed out to Mimi's Cafe for brunch where we wolfed down our food like we hadn't eaten in days. It was great though, I love spending time with her and just never seems to happen enough. Later that day Trav came home from his workout and errands and brough home a new BBQ!!! We both had been saying we really needed one so after some research on Trav's end he found the perfect starter grill. So he grilled us up some delicious steaks, potatoes and beans. It was perfect!!!!

I am so glad we had such a beautiful weekend, which ended in rain and we welcomed about 6-8 inches of snow this morning. Oh and we finalized where we are going for Memorial Day, South Dakota! So excited for this trip. We are packing the dog up and going to do a road trip and visit the Black Hills, Custer State Park, Mount Rushmore and more. It will be great. :)

Friday, April 17, 2009


Again here we are posting about snow! Yes I know we live in Denver and this is what it does. However, we have a party we have planned for tomorrow, we have ordered beer and that we cannot return. So of course right now we currently have about six inches of snow, and it is still coming down HARD! My guess is by the end of this blizzard, the second this month, we should have around a foot or more.

So we are off to build a fire for the last time this year, eat bunless burgers and watch a movie.

So think good thoughts that our party is still on for tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

PDCA - business principles with real life application!

Ok guys, I've been getting some flak for not posting much recently from a person that I can't reveal identity wise (Mother-in-law). I informed her that I had been helping produce content in the form of pictures and video but apparently that wasn't enough for her. I recently exchanged somewhat philosophical emails with my Mom and thought I would share something discovered as a result of spending thousands of dollars taking graduate level courses.

PDCA stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act. It is a cycle originally created by Walter Shewhart in 1930's, but it wasn't popularized until Deming began using it to model continuous quality improvement processes in business. An overview of the cycle can be seen here: What does it mean?

Plan - Based on data recieved from marketing and other efforts to understand a particular "thing", decide what it is you want to accomplish and devise a plan to make it happen. I say thing, because you could be analyzing a customer base for areas of improvement or you could be analyzing a process for improvement. Really this "thing" is anything that can be measured that you may want improved.

Do - Once you figure out what it is you want to accomplish (a goal), and how you're going to go about accomplishing it, you DO! Implement your plan, be disciplined about following it.

Check - Some people also refer to this step as study. The point is to step back and reflect on the results of your doing. Use the data presented to evaluate the progress, if any.

Act - If the results were good, adopt the change into your process so that there will be no backslide of progress. The purpose of this cycle is continuous improvement and if the cycle did not produce positive results, then it would make senes to abandon the plan and try another avenue for improvement.

The backbone of the PDCA cycle is DATA. Data needs to support the decision making and the goal needs to be measurable. Without data, you are just shooting into the dark. Data will help you prioritize policies. A business can look at the data and say, "well if I do this I'll see a 50% reduction in production cycle time. If I do this other thing I will see a 35% reduction in production cycle time. I guess I'll do the first idea rather than the latter".

There is a large amount of things that come into play around this cycle but I'll just leave it at what it is, a model for continuous quality improvement.

As I reflected on this, I noticed that I had been doing this in my personal life already. I had been acting out the PDCA cycle in my weight training for the past year. First I had set goals and devised a plan to meet those goals. Then I executed the plan. After a number of weeks executing the plan, I would step back and see if things were really working. Was I executing the plan correctly? Was I eating correctly? Was I losing good form as a tradeoff to increasing weight lifted? I would ask myself many questions to evaluate whether or not the plan was working. In the end, based on my results (I had been tracking weight lifting, calories, weight loss, reps, sets, volume, and mood...things like this) I would determine if I would continue the plan or adopt a new one.

Being an analytical person, this makes perfect sense to me. It is something that my Mom does very well, take chaos and devise a plan and process about doing things so that there is no wasted time in it. To be honest, you can go to the gym and workout 5 days a week and never see much of a result from your efforts. I see people do this all the time. Thats fine, if you're just looking to maintain your current level of fitness. When you start viewing life as a process of continual improvement in self though, its difficult to see this time spent as valued.

I am often reminded by the simplest things. Things that you hear once but strangely they stick with you. I do not know who told me this verse from the Bible, or where or even when but it rings through my head like a huge bell declaring triumphantly the time, "Whatever you do, do it for the Lord". What it means to me is, whatever it is that you are doing, you can glorify they Lord by doing it to the best of your ability, by giving 100% every time. As I approach my limit on a task and beging to feel discouraged I may not succeed at it, I am reminded that God doesn't call me to be the best at everything, but he does ask that I give whatever I am doing my best effort.

This is a very difficult thing to do 100% of the time. Sometimes life bears down on you and you may not feel like you have the energy to do this or that. You've got so much on your plate, you don't know how to fit it all in so you decide to cut corners on one thing so that you can do another. You know what though, nobody sets out to do something just mediocre. I have not heard someone say, you know what, I think I want to play basketball good enough to ride the pine in the NBA, I don't really want to be a starter, or a star. Or...I don't really want to beat this video game, I just want to play it. What I think happens though is that at some point, you fall under adversity and decide to settle because you don't have either the knowledge or the strength to proceed further. In other words, you're no longer giving it your best effort.

PDCA then becomes a tool where, adversity falls to the wayside as you systematically creep closer and closer to your bigger goals. The Japanese call it Kaizen. In my example it doesn't matter if you increase the weight lifted 2.5lbs a week or 10lbs a week. The idea is to keep increasing the lbs lifted each week and not decrease or stay the same. Move forward slightly numerous times and eventually, you will look back and see that you will have moved very far.

The Japanese think long term. I would encourage us as Americans to adopt this belief. To often we run before we walk because we want results yesterday. This only helps exacerbate our own lack of a disciplined nature. Results don't come quick, we get annoyed, we give up before making any progress. Another verse is Phillipians 4:13, "I can do all things through He who gives me strength". The key to this verse is on who's timeframe are we speaking of here. To often we are thinking of this in terms of our own timeframe which is too fast!

I'll wrap this up...I hope you've seen how an analytical person in one aspect views life. I am encouraged by the fact that apparently, "I can do all things through He who gives me strength". The PDCA cycle provides a framework for personal continuous improvement and a road to accomplishing the aforementioned "all things". I will continue to improve my disciplined nature through Collossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people". Failure will not sting, because I will have given it my best. I understand that failure is a result of the PDCA cycle, a cycle that is not absolute when determining potential and because of this, failure is temporary. By being able to understand this concept I can step back, revise my plan and continue the PDCA cycle again in search of success.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Snow Storm

So yesterday was an interesting day. We had been having some great spring weather, 60-70 degree days, tons of sun and it was awesome! I thought winter was over. However, Mr. Winter had a different idea. Wednesday night it started getting really windy, the temperature started to significantly drop and you could tell something was coming. Then around 6-7am, the clouds were here, at 8am the snow started. It started coming down in HUGE flakes and just thick. Around noon the wind kicked up again and the roads were covered, as the day went on, business closed, Trav came home around 1pm, and I was still in the house working. It snowed all night and is still spitting a bit this morning, but now the roads are completely frozen over, flights were canceled and just starting back up and my guess is we have somewhere around 10-11 inches based on deep the dog sunk in, though it could be more. Here are some pictures for you all to enjoy.

Monday, March 23, 2009


So the grouting is done! I am officially exhausted, long day at work, hard workout and then three hours of grouting, I am thinking folding the laundry can wait till tomorrow...

However enjoy the new pictures of the grouted floor.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

And then came tile...

So we have the tile all laid down now!!! I am personally so excited to say our tile is down, all we have left to do is grout and put in the door and we will have an office. Enjoy the new pictures...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some updates on the office

So about three months ago Trav and I started renovating our fourth bedroom/office in the basement. It was covered in woodpaneling, hideous and just not useful. Here are pictures that show the progression of the progress. To date all we have left to do is tile, we will do this over this weekend, put in the door and put up the moulding. Woo HOOOOOOOOOOOO


Kaiser running around with one of his toys from Sandi

This is Kaiser's goober/happy run. He klogs around like a happy go lucky dog, just him and his toy. The toy has a slinshot type cord attached to it and Kaiser loves running around flipping it to himself in the air, and flinging it all around hitting himself in the face. Always makes me happy seeing him at the end of the day playing.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So I know I am totally behind in my posts, but since being home a week Trav and I have been SUPER busy. Quick update....

1. The wedding was amazing!!!! See pictures below that Lindsay Foster-Drago, one of my bridesmaids, & Caris Power, Trav's sister, took. :)

2. Honeymoon, been to Costa Rica & back. Here are some pictures for everyone to enjoy.

3. Continued with the office renovation on a mad and furious pace, pictures to come soon.

4. Pam started her new job at BusinessGenetics, crazy busy but great!

5. Trav and school, hence the mad and furious pace to finish the office.

So more to come about the honeymoon when we have some down time this weekend.

Pam & Trav Power :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

One Week To Go

So we are officially one week out from the wedding and well I had my first major, tears included, freak out moment. It wasn't really a bridezilla moment but more of a Pam is trying to do too much and without enough time, no priorities moment. As most people know I have quit my job at 3t and will start a new job when we return from our Honeymoon on March 9. So last week I didn't work, which was amazing! I didn't really sleep in, but I did sleep till 7am, which was AMAZING! However somehow the week filled up with errands, dog walks, vet appointments, laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc. Now it is Saturday and I officially went nutso about my list I had of things to do. Here is the list...

1. Instructions for Julia (she is watching our house while we are gone) - was supposed to do this Friday but ran out of time.
2. Contact info and dates gone for the neighbors
3. Instructions for the dog - could probably do in Oregon
4. Schedule and tasks for Ali
5. Print out and organize vendor stuff
6. Print out schedule of week
7. Go to the Dump
8. Organize the garage
9. Library
10. Finish Sanding
11. Schedule one last fitting
12. Laundry
12. Boarding Pass
13. Pack Kaiser toys and some food
14. File and organize papers
15. Pack!

So as you can see some of this stuff isn't really pertinent to leaving and that is what I freaked out about. Trav and I have still been working on the office we started over Chirstmas. We finally got the drywall up a couple weeks ago and did the step of joint compounding the sems, on two walls and the whole ceiling. So this week I figured sweet I can finish sanding and we can be that much closer. So I totally underestimated how long it would take to sand, because I sanded both walls of drywall, the two walls that the original owner had plastered over and textured, YUCK, and the ceiling. So finally today we are done sanding BUT with it came me crying, frustrated and now freaking out about getting everything else done before I leave. Not my best decision but it is what I thought I should do. So I am trying to calm down, stop stressing and focus on the things that need to be completed or me to leave. Not the things I would like to be done before I leave. So this eliminates well not a whole lot but it makes me feel better :)

So one week to go and I am back to my list!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So today has NOT been the best day for me. It started out great. I took the dog for a run, hit the gym, worked on crate training Kaiser and all in all I was happy. Then 2pm happened..............

At 2pm I left to go pick up a rescue dog who had been in boarding in LoDo Denver, which is downtown. In the car Kaiser was being a BRAT, wouldn't stay in the back, whining, etc. Just totally annoying me to the fullest. Then we get to the boarding place way late, pick her up and she is HYPER. I know I made a big mistake bringing Kaiser now, but I was thinking oh good Kaiser can hang with me, get in a good play time at the dog park and it will be all good. So we get to the dog park and we drop off the dog and get her adopted and life is good. Then we get home and somehow either the dog we got from boarding has puked OR my dog has puked and either way is eating it in the mack of our Magnum, exciting times start now.

Knowing we are leaving on Sunday for Oregon I call the vet immediately and we now have Kaiser on deworming medication, I call the owner of the other dog and they are getting dewormed. Now as I sit here at 1am I wonder if Kaiser was the one with worms or the other dog, either way, someone had worms, one puked and they both could have it now. UGHHHHHHHHH

So I run by the house, drop the dog off, go to the vet and now I have to go pick up a surrendered Weim that we are letting stay at our house until tomorrow at 10am before she goes into boarding. She is very calm which is a nice change, but very very very overweight. She comes into the house, only one minor squabble as we dish out dinner, otherwise it is a smooth introduction. Then around 9pm, the surrundered weim throws up in the kitchen, at least there, what appears to be a very large 6" long, 2" thick portion of a TOWEL!!!! I am annoyed even more now and just decide to sit on the couch because well all I want to do is watch Grey's which I only get to watch the first hour, not the second, he Blazers are on.........

So now here it is 1am and yes I was up till 2:30am yesterday, and I am blogging when I should be sleeping. So I am woken up about twenty minutes ago as Kaiser is now puking in his crate in our bedroom! I know he has worms now so I immediately jump out of bed, drag him out of the crate, bring him and the crate to the kitchen, and the other dog now, and am now washing the blanket he puked in, cleaned out the inside of the crate and took him out to the bathroom, which is not fun at 1am, when it is snowing, I have to follow Kaiser around to pick up his poop in my pajamas, because well he has worms and I can't leave it there for him to eat in the morning, and I have a dog who is weirded out by the snow and barking at it, AT 1AM!!!

So I am tired, but yet not sleepy so hey I will get to watch the end of grey's I missed, hopefully sleep a little because I start a very very very busy day tomorrow trying to wrap everything up because I leave for Oregon on Sunday.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

16 More days!

So just a quick note to say hello and just say 16 more days till the wedding! See you all there :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

I have the BEST Friends!!!!

Let me start out this post by saying I have the BEST girlfriends!!! This weekend was amazing!

For those that didn't know what was going to happen, my bridesmaids/best girl friends, flew out to Denver this past weekend to surprise me with Bachelorette weekend. It was a whole story of how Ahna and Travis schemed, planned and tricked me into having NO idea what was going on. Trav had me convinced that his buddy Jim was coming out for the weekend, they were going to do a Bachelor weekend and well I was on my own for plans. I was looking forward to a weekend of relaxation but yet sort of annoyed that I had no idea really what to do. AND I was even more annoyed, though I offered to go pick him up, because I really just wanted to go to the gym and go home. Hahaha

So needless to say I was uber surprised when Ahna of all people is standing outside the airport, especially since she was JUST HERE! She is AMAZING! Ao Ahna, Lindsay and Jacinda flew out, kidnapped me for the weekend and Jim still came out and did guy things with Travis. The girls and I stayed at this super fun hotel, The Curtis, on the 15th floor which was themed Music. Friday night was supposed to be a night in, however after opening my new presents (I finally got some wonderful new little items...) and a few shots, well that plan got changed and out we went! Lets just say that many, many, many shots later we had been to three bars, and closed the last one down.

Saturday I hurt...I don't really remember how much I had to drink, all I know is that food did not make it into my stomach until around 3pm. We did some shopping, enjoyed the fantastic weather and relaxed a bit. Then I was hit with ANOTHER surprise! As we are sitting at the hotel bar, The Corner Office, I was surprised with all my Denver girlfriends coming in to surprise me! We had a fantastic dinner, went to a Champagne bar, and three other bars. This evening was a bit more tame for me, but the other ladies definitely had a ball! Sunday was the most relaxing of all days, we met back up with the boys and said a farewell.

There are so many more details that it would take me all night to write about them, I wish I could post some pictures, but I don't have any yet. Either way all I can say is that my friends are the best. I miss my friends in Portland/the Northwest to pieces, but really know that I have made some fantastic friends here in Denver. Thank you everyone for caring so much about me to do this for me. I love you all..............

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Too Much Together Time...

So I have to say something that I don't ever recommend is planning a wedding, doing home remodels and working. This is what Trav and I have decided to tackle. Somehow we have yet to kill each other, but we have only put up the ceiling...

For those that don't know, Trav starts his Masters program this week, he is getting his Masters in Engineering Management. We were hoping to have our new office done in time for the start but I think we both under estimated the amount of time it was going to take. I do feel like the hardest part is done, dry walling the ceiling, and both of our backs feel it.

Next we are dry walling the walls, tape and plaster the ceiling and walls, then we will sand down the plaster on the foundation, mount the door, paint it all and then paint the desk, add shelving, book cases and viola. I didn't think it would take this long but I am super excited for it to be done.

Ahna and Kyle were just here last weekend and Kaiser has decided the chair is his favorite spot to bond with people.

From Visitors

I am so glad Kyle and Ahna were able to make it, though the reason they came, the Pittsburgh Penguins, they lost to the Avalanche made it a sad day, we still had a ball! We ate a ton, had great conversation, explored Boulder, they even saw Mountain goats. I really think that they are becoming great friends with Trav and I and I can't wait to vacation with them more.

So now we are five weeks out from the wedding, I am becoming pretty much stressed out consistently. I am making an effort to work out 5-6 days a week to help keep the stress down, and well keep me sane.

So now it is off to bed to try and catch up on some sleep and TGIW!