Saturday, May 10, 2008

Marketing Solutions

So I have been going back and forth about this for a while and I have started to take the initiative. I am currently working as the marketing person for my parents sign company, though back in Oregon, and hoping to begin doing work here in Colorado and perhaps for other small businesses in Oregon through referral. Through all my years of listening to and working with my parents I came to a conclusion. Small businesses and small business owners know how to run their company but are unaware of really how to run and promote their business. My hope is that I can take my experience working with them, helping them and truly understanding the mind of small business owners and what their hot buttons are.

The plan I have for my parents is going to be implemented in phases. Phase 1 will consist of a completely new website which will include information about the company, their services, their employees, their clients and the obvious of how to contact them. What I am doing as part of the content is instead of just listing clients, include case studies or solution studies for various clients and incorporating a blog to their site. The blog will be written by each of the employees on various aspects of the sign business. The designer will discuss design problems, solutions, new programs, tips, ideas, etc. They can review new products, new techniques, articles in trade publications, events, best practices. This will allow them to continue to have a presence, have a reason for people to visit their site and to build their reputation as a leader in Oregon and the Northwest as a sign solution provider. We will also post events on the website, switch out the studies and pictures on a consistent basis to keep the site active. I am also working with a friend of mine whose company will be providing an FTP site for graphics transfers and SEO (search engine optimization). The point of SEO is to optimize the site for search ability from the engines such as google, yahoo, msn, etc. SEO ensures that the website has key words included in the pages that are searched for such as signs, Portland, banners, etc. There are many others ways to be optimized that is just an example.

Phase 2 I am planning on having them choose their PMS colors for branding purposes, to ensure consistency across their collateral, such as business cards, letterset, email signatures, portfolios, etc. They are also working on creating a portfolio to be finished during this phase that anyone can take on sales calls, use as a visual for customers. Each sign will have a description of what the sign was made for, the purpose, the products used, the client, etc. A story. I will also send out an email blast to all of my parents customers announcing the new site and the features, giving them a reason to visit the site. In Phase 2 I would also begin designing a newsletter for them, they can discuss new projects, new products, client success story, charities, organizations they work with and other interesting facts and tips. The newsletter would be a quarterly feature and would be added to the website as well.

Phase 3 would be creating a plan of attack for leveraging their current clients. This would involve reports from their client database to see what industries they are in and what associations they belong to. From this information we could determine who else the clients know, who they can introduce us to and grow the business based on associations and networking.

I have other ideas that keep coming to me, but this is what I can think of right now for them. I would also at some point create email blasts to clients on new products, new ideas, news and announcements to continue to keep the company in the front of their clients mind.

So here is what I need from you guys, I need some opinions on names for the company I am going to make. I have come up with one idea but Travis has said it is a bit too girly of a name, Chic Marketing. The other idea was PJP Solutions, something simple.

Let me know what you all think, I would love the input.


1 comment:

Sandi said...

I am so excited to be having you work with Impact Sign Co. and our marketing efforts. I am VERY excited to get a new website! Your expertise is greatly appreciated. I vote for PJP Marketing Solutions.