Work: I had been in Cali, near Sacramento working on the irrigation district there. We (the commissioning team) upgraded their existing systems to Wonderware 10.0 and ArchestrA. Basically this upgrade will enable them to do cool things, save time in implementing changes, and create a need for more training for their SCADA techs. :) We commissioned 8 sites in 3 weeks. I worked, worked out and went to bed...for 3 weeks. It had been a while since I had worked 60+ hour weeks and it was good to get home and relax a bit. Now I have so much time on my hands I'm getting antsy again, lol.
Upon returning I got an offer on paper. It was very generous and now I can wipe that from the back of my mind and relax a bit. I'm buckleing down now and continueing to push forward and learn as much as I can. I purchased a PLC off Ebay and am going to create a small test setup at home so that I can continue to learn PLC, Wonderware, Archestra, as well as setting everything all up!
Workin out: For those of you that keep up with my workout journal, or at least whats posted here, when I was in Cali I decided to go on a shake diet. I was literally drinking my calories most of the time, with occasional meals on weekends. I used "Nature's Best Isopure, Low Carb, Meal Replacement" packs for my shakes. At first it was very hard to get by. As I progressed through the days however, it became easier. When I got back Pam thought I looked more lean than I've ever been! I still want to lose 4 more lbs, but am satisfied with my progress so far. I think for a final weight and physique, that I want to bulk up a bit more, then just work on maintaining a low body fat. I've had a lot of fun learning about bodybuilding, nutrition, exercise, and most of all, developing a strong work ethic to continue down this road.
A link showing my cut results in a forum on (If you don't want to see my in undies, don't click! Speedo pics are much worse though :))

Other stuff I've been doin. Well I don't think I've posted on Grad school yet. I'm applying to UC Boulder. My reccomendations have almost all come in and then I just have to complete a written assessment as well as a letter of intent in order to finish up my application. I'm looking forward to this endeavor, and hope to be accepted so that I can start. In addition, to help boost my worth, I'm signing up for the FE exam in October. This is something that I should have done a long time ago when everything was fresh! I didn't realize how important this would be if I ever left Oregon, or wanted to pursue a PE license and am kicking myself a bit for passing it up.
I guess thats about it for now, looking forward to a three day weekend!
1 comment:
Good luck on the FE Exam! I had to take that and my major wasn't even covered by it. So for someone who didn't know any of it, I got one of those FE Exam study books and when thru a lot of the practice questions and just tried to get basic concepts down. I also learned that when calculating stuff keep your units in mind, it will help with the way the set up the problems - at least it did 4 years ago. - Kaye (Cheever) Zahrowski
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