Thursday, September 4, 2008


We went campin this weekend and these were the few pics we managed to take. They are mostly taken at about 12,500 ft. The air was thin, and after a while up there I started to feel like I was getting a slight headache. Driving up the small two lane road was a bit tight in spots, and although the views were absolutely amazing, I'm not sure you would have made it Sandi! We also discovered that Pam is getting to be more and more scared of the dark!

We drove up Ute Creek road outside of Idaho springs. There were tons of mining claims up in that area and Idaho Springs is supposedly where it all started. The area was also around Mt Evans, where a few of the pics are from. We didn't get any pics from 14,000 ft because the battery went dead too quick!!

We camped just up a dirt road. We found out that it was actually a private mining claim and the arapahoe national forest was mixed in with all this private land. Lucky for us though (because we had the camp all setup already) the land had been reposessed. So from then on we decided to just pretend like we just purchased the land.

The people we went with were pretty cool. Seth and karmel were one couple and we've spent a lot of time with them already. The other couple we just met. They are Randy and Linsey. They were older than us, but nice and fun also. Linsey is from Eugene, OR so that was cool to meet someone from our old stomping grounds...or at least close enough to know what we are saying when we're talking about Oregon rain!

Up on Mt Evans, we saw a herd of either elk or antelope. Some mountain sheep, and a Doe and its Bambi. When we were hiking a day earlier we also saw a deer and it let us get pretty close up before darting off! The mountain sheep were cool though because we've never seen one before. They are very furry!

1 comment:

Caris Power said...

I was at a party the other night and people were talking about how they get value when people leave comments on their blogs. They like to know that people are reading them. And the more comments they get the more they will blog. So even though I don't have something specifically to say to you guys about your two mile high adventure, I figured I better leave a comment in the interest of your self esteem and future blogging motivation. :) Love you!