Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back problems.

Boo hoo. So while on break you guys probably know I sort of tweaked/threw my back out, slipped a disc whatever you want to call it. Three days later I was happy with being pretty much back to normal. Once I had gotten off the plane I felt much better and the next day I even went back to the gym. (Doing exercises that didn't involve a lot of weight on my back of course)

So on wednesday I woke up with a sore back for some reason. Kinda tight. I little bit of pain but still not a big deal. Once I made it to work and was sitting in my chair it seemed to get a little worse. I tried to remain with good posture and all, just didn't seem to be helping. Then I sneezed and bam, that hurt. A few hours later I sneezed again and hurt my lower back more.

I took today off from work to lay low. Lay on the ground with my back straight. I went to the gym and did the hot tub for a while, as well as steam room and just tried to loosen up my entire back. I think it helped quite a bit. The pain is less today and hopefully by tommorow I can go back to work and then continue to a full recovery over the weekend.

The weird thing to me is that I feel like it just got tired, and more tired, and tight and eventually just led to a blow out. I'm not really sure if its the way I'm sleeping, or lounging on the couch, or sitting at the computer. Its not like I was squatting 300lbs and hurt it that way. My workout that day was dips, and curls. Not exactly taxing on the back.

Combined with the fact that I had been pretty sore from the leg work out earlier this week, I've just been in a world of hurt recently!

If you're the praying type, say a few words for my back please. I would appreciate all the support I can get.



Jason and Sara said...

hey man that sucks.. I hope you feel better


afreakforjc said...

Dude, you're getting old.