Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2008 Election

So I am usually not one to preach politics and voting, but the more I have been learning, reading, listening, and just absorbing all the information I can about the upcoming election and candidates, I feel very strongly to request people to do the same. I am given a hard time at work because I listen to talk radio over music, I read the Wall Street Journal Online, I love Foxnews, and I read the blogs as much as I can to know truely what we are in for in terms of November of this year.

Here are some links I highly recommend reading:


I feel very strongly that my money is my money, that I can choose how to spend it, how I wish to contribute to society in terms of volunteering, community service, monetary donations and in how I wish to provide healthcare to myself. Without telling you how to vote or how to choose, morally/conciously, please just read and really look beyond just the headlines and the rhetoric to what a condidate believes. Are you for a $16 an hour immediate hke in minimum wage? Required wage garnishment for universal healthcare, a program that would cost upwards of $1 billion dollars, giving amnesty and citizenship to people who came here illegally, while others who are trying to come in legally are blocked and wait listed because people are cheating and breaking our laws.

So please please please read, I love to talk politics, but usually wait to hear others opinions first. We still have time to really get to know a condidate before making your opinion.


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