Saturday, February 9, 2008


Well this has been one interesting week to say the least. I have a new job, found out I have bronchitis YUCK!!, now I have to go to the eye doctor. The one thing about Colorado if you don't know, it is really dry!! So since moving here I have been having a heck of a time dealing with my contacts and my eyes, especially my left eye, which I have been told is notoriously dry. So about 3 days ago I woke up with my eye completely red, swollen, and just a slow burning feeling. By the end of the day it was so irritqated I could not have any lights on or near me, it gave me a migraine and left Travis wondering if it was time to trade me in for a new model. LOL

I have given it a few days, haven't had my contacts in since about 5pm yesterday and it is still very irritated and sensitive to light. So I called our local Costco and made an emergency appointment with the Optometrist. I have a feeling they are going to say no more contacts for a while, which let me tell you it it not fun to run in glasses. I hope they are able to give me an answer though as I really can't handle the pain that I am in by the end of the day.

We will keep you posted on the dog situation as we have our appointment in an hour to an hour and a half. Oh and the whole no TV, not that bad, except my eyes has been so painful I can't read, the whole no sugar or sugar substitute sucks!!!! I love my Diet Dr Pepper and a yummy Non-fat, sugar free vanilla latte. Well amoung other things we have given up, this is going to be a rough 40 days. :( Oh well, we will get through and make us better people in the end. :)

Love you guys!

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